도버 코리안 페스티벌 (10월 13일 | 토요일 | 오전 10:30 - 오후 2)

델라웨어 DE
2018-10-12 10:36
2018 도버 코리안 페스티벌 Dover Korean Festival

The 6th Annual Dover Korean Festival to benefit West Africa Missions will be held on Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 10:30am to 2pm at the Dover Korean Baptist Church (2659 McKee Road, Dover, DE 19904). We will have authentic Korean Food, traditional Korean music & dance, KPOP, entertainment, gifts and prize!s! We're even giving away a HD TV! So, invite your friends and family to come, see, listen, taste and enjoy Korea with us in this celebration of Korean Festival of the Harvest to benefit West Africa Missions! We hope to see you there!!!

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